Friday, November 24, 2006


I saw these on another blog and thought they were interesting.

2 moments you'd like to erase:
Taking off my top and trying to seduce a man who had no interest in me.
When I was in high school, calling the principal and pretending to be my mother. I could tell right off he didn't buy the fake accent.

4 moments you'd like to relive:
The birth of my daughter.
The moment I was the center of attention on my high school's smoking stoop.
The afternoon at the cafe with Rory.
While I was on the Bernstein program, those lunchtime clothes-shopping sprees and looking at myself in the mirror looking so fucking great. (Okay, I cheated -- I know that's more than one moment.)

2 places you wouldn't want to go/go to again:
My seventh grade homeroom.
Any sleazy motel room.

4 places you can't wait to visit/visit again:
Europe -- specifically: Paris, London, Rome, Florence, and anywhere in between.
Midland, Ontario.
Any regular-size clothing store where I would actually be able to shop.

2 foods you can't stand:

4 foods you love:
Chinese -- specifically: shrimp chow mein, egg rolls, mixed vegetable stir fries.
Ice cream

2 current songs that make you change the station:
That fucking Blue October song. Can't stand it.
This isn't current, but the second I hear even one note of "Hotel California", it's station-changin' time.

4 songs you play over and over:
... off the top of my head:

"When the Levee Breaks", by Led Zeppelin
"Discotheque", by U2
"Weak and Powerless", by A Perfect Circle
"Love Song", by Simple Minds

2 books you've never finished, or would never read again:
"A Suitable Boy" by Vikram Seth (never finished)
"The Witching Hour" by Anne Rice (can never finish any of her books)

4 books you have read more than once, or will read again:
"Alias Grace" by Margaret Atwood
"The Robber Bride" by Margaret Atwood
"Serpentine" by Tom Thompson (Thomson?) -- non-fiction
"I Know This Much is True" by Wally Lamb


Blogger Outburst said...

What man would not have interest when you took off your top? Clearly not a breast man!

You'd like to relive the birth of your daugher?? Wow.

Yuck, beets.

I feel like Margaret Atwood should be on my list to read soon. What would you suggest I start with?

9:34 PM  
Blogger emily pound said...

Witness, you sweetie ... thank you for that comment. Yes, believe it or not, he had no interest ... even though to top off my natural assets I had a sexy red bra on that I'd worn especially for the occasion and cleavage to die for. It was a real ego killing moment. And the first time (and last, hopefully) it had ever happened to me.

I would SO like to relive the birth of my daughter. It was an incredible moment. You know how they say to women that once you have the baby, you forget the pain? I guess it must be true, 'cuz I'd love to do it again! :-)

How can anyone like beets? I don't get it.

Please, please, do yourself a favour and read some Margaret Atwood. I would recommend starting with "Alias Grace". It's based on a true story, and I could not put it down.

9:05 AM  
Blogger Outburst said...

I will put Alias Grace on order with the library. Thanks!

5:12 AM  
Blogger emily pound said...

Not a problem, witness. Enjoy it.

10:48 AM  
Blogger Jenn said...

Dear Gabriella,
I apologize for my blog not working. I accidentally erased it while trying to get out of the Blogger Beta.
This Blogger beta has been a nightmare. Now I can't go back to regular blogger. I have also been having a lot of difficulty posting comments.
My new blog address:
I hope you visit!
Hugs, Jennie

10:15 AM  
Blogger emily pound said...

Hi Jen!

Yes, I've been trying to visit you for the last couple of days and a notice comes up saying I can't get in.

I'll visit your new blog! :-)

10:57 AM  
Blogger Andrea said...

Been over a month since your last post. Hope everything is going well for you and you've had a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year to come :)

9:58 PM  

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