Monday, October 16, 2006

Misfortune is Really Just Opportunity Disguising Itself

That's what all the self-help books say ... all the new-age talking heads. I keep saying things like this to myself as a kind of mantra to try and stop myself from going insane ... so far, it's working. I guess doing some yoga along with it would pump up the therapeutic aspect of it, so maybe tomorrow I'll start doing some of that too.

I don't want to start listing what's been happening to me over the past few days, because I feel pathetic enough chronicling my past chaos. Suffice it to say, I'm fucked. I'm going to have to try and set up an appointment with someone at my bank and try and work out a loan of some kind.

This morning, when I was driving my daughter to school, I looked up at the blue sky and thought to myself, Why me? What have I done? Have I been such a horrible person that someone up there is taking out their revenge on me and not letting me have a moment's peace? I know that sounds whiny and self-pitying, but it is no exaggeration to say that my life has been throwing calamity after calamity, particularly of a financial nature, against me with no respite for about the past month. Just when I think I have things somewhat under control, something else happens and I'm feeling like God himself is against me, or, at the very least, inflicting these things upon me in order to teach me some kind of lesson ... one I'm obviously missing, because I think I've pretty much learned every hard lesson there is to learn.

My friends, your blogger is up against it. If I come through this in one piece, I hope somebody out there will be kind enough to forge some kind of medal for me, because I have been tested. Am BEING tested, relentlessly. There has got to be some end to this.


Blogger unreuly said...

sounds like a pretty tough time you're going through. to add to the cliche though, what doesn't kill you will only make you stronger (and win you a medal!).
good luck.

2:29 PM  
Blogger emily pound said...

Thanks, roselle.

3:10 PM  
Blogger Outburst said...

I know it's not this easy, but try to avoid the loans if possible, or at least just go for only what you absolutely need. They can offer temporary respite but in the long run, it's just more debt with interest.
When you go to a bank, try to talk to a financial specialist, who might be able to help you hammer out a plan that will one day get you out of the hole.
Debt is practically inevitable for most of us though. It's probably going to take me 5-10 years to pay off what I currently owe and if I purchase a house at some point, you may as well call it 25-to-life.

8:35 PM  
Blogger emily pound said...

I know, outburst. Credit and loans are what got me in this hole in the first place. A friend of mine just got her debts consolidated and I'm thinking of going that route. I know one thing ... I cannot go on the way I have been for much longer.

6:57 AM  
Blogger hugehugefan said...

Dear Emily:

Financial planning is key so you can first deal with your past debts and get them under control. Second, you need to arrange your life in a way so you can live within your means. Again, a financial planner can help you with that. Sometimes, with an appropriate credit/debt counselor helping you out its possible to make informal arrangements with creditors which don't require an actual loan. Another possibility is to try and get a "loan" from a family member once you've gotten your act together as they're more likely to be understanding and provide it on more favorable terms. I won't spout tired saws at you, but suggest that you talk to someone who does this for a living as they will have the hard truths and some tried and true tricks to make this thing work. Keep your chins up Emily.


9:25 AM  
Blogger FunnyBits said...

oh, money problems bring me the most intense fear and they feel so insurmountable. i know...i know...believe me my friend i know...i guess i just want to say to you that someone out here knows what you are feeling and how out of control and scary it are not alone.


11:47 AM  
Blogger emily pound said...

thanks, michelle. sometimes I just shake my head in disbelief that I have managed to get by financially for one more day.

12:58 PM  
Blogger emily pound said...


I'm going to make an appointment with someone who can go over all of it with me and see what they say. I'm obviously not handling it very well on my own.

1:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Gabriella ((((hugs)))
Im so sorry to hear you going through this. I am also in financial crisis most of the time. It can be so stressful sometimes, but I think talking to a financial planner will help immensely. You are really strong and I know you will get through it! Just believe in yourself.
Take care,

6:12 PM  
Blogger emily pound said...

Thanks, Jenn. :-)

9:11 AM  

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