Thursday, October 05, 2006

Being in the Bug

I love my little car. I don't know how I lived without it for so long. Ever since I got it, I've felt like I've opened up a little, begun to crawl out of my little pupa where I've been hidden away for so long. There is nothing that gives me greater peace or joy these days (that's excepting when I'm in traffic, of course) than booting along in my little VW listening to some great music. I turn it up loud, I go down memory lane, and I feel ALIVE ... the way I never seem to feel when I'm sitting around at home being bored, at my desk doing some incredibly boring task, picking up my daughter's clothes, toys and food wrappers off the floor. In my car, I'm ME -- undeniably, indisputably, indubitably ME -- and I am fabulous. I am not mommy, or employee, or estranged wife, or difficult daughter ... I'm the girl I always dreamed of being ... sexy, glamorous, raunchy, fun, exciting, sensual, hip, rock and roll ... in my car when I'm driving, listening to my favourite music, it is so easy to daydream, to see myself living the life I have tried so hard to lay the path for all these years ... baby steps ... but when I'm barreling down the highway, it feels like the journey is picking up steam and I am almost there.


Blogger Outburst said...

I know how you feel. Driving gives me a sense of freedom from a very rigidly defined life.

7:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Gabriella
My mom had a little '67 beetle when I was growing up. I remember riding in the little cubby hole in the back when I was tiny.
It was a great car and lasted for many many years.
Eventually she ran out of steam, but out of all the cars, I remember that bug the most. There were some fond memories there.
Hugs, Jennie

11:29 AM  

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