Thursday, September 14, 2006

The "New" New Job

Well, it's coming up on the end of my first week at my new place of employment, and I thought I'd just give you all a rundown of how it is. In a nutshell: arrrrrgh.

The guy who's supposed to be training me (more on him later, mm hmm) has been off because of some surgical procedure he had done, I don't know when, but I guess fairly recently, because he's still off because of it. After I was sitting at my desk for about an hour the first morning, the guy I'm sharing an office with (an elderly Scottish gentleman, with a very dry, droll sense of humour and manner) tossed a binder at me and told me I might as well look through it. Yeah, I guess so. Not that it made much sense, of course. My boss, the woman I had the interview with, is the manager of the studio (yes, I work in a "studio", not an office, which is kind of cool, I guess) is much too busy running around having meetings and delegating work to an already-behind crew, so of course she couldn't spend much time with me either. What is really bizarre to me is that it doesn't seem to occur to them that I have nothing to do.

Do you have any idea how exhausting it is, and how difficult it is, to try and look busy when you have absolutely nothing to do? It's fucken killing me. Over the past few days, I had a couple of things to do that kept me going steadily, but for the most part, I've just been sitting around trying to look conscientious. God, I hate that. There is nothing I hate worse at work than just sitting around doing nothing.

Anyway, back to the guy who is supposed to be training me. He actually came in for about 3 hours on Tuesday especially to train me a bit, probably because I mentioned to my boss how I had nothing to do. Boy, let me tell you ... he is SO cute! 30ish, I guess, mid to late. He, too, is of British origin ... I wasn't sure whether his accent was English or Irish, it was very subtle, but oh my God ... he has an amazing sense of humour and is extremely well-read and intelligent. Yeah, just my type. He took me into the back boardroom (I wouldn't have minded if he'd just taken me in the back, to tell you the truth) and went through a few things about my job. I am SO hoping he's going to be in next week so I can really get started, but of course, it'll be interesting working alongside such a yummy specimen. Wonder if I'll be able to concentrate? I'll let you know. All I can say is, I couldn't help noticing he had a wealth of dark hair covering his forearms, which leads me to conclude that he more than likely has a wealth of it on the rest of his body as well. (See my last post, item 2.)

So, anyway ... TGIF tomorrow, lemme tell ya! I am determined to stay positive and write this less-than-ideal start off as just one of those things, and hope that when my sexy colleague comes in next week (please God), then things will even out and start to settle a little. It's hard to get comfortable in a new work environment when you barely know what the fuck is going on.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Gabriella,
Congrats on the new job! I haven't been around too much. I have been dealing with some stuff and not been too attentive to my emails, blogs etc. My fish have been sick and there have been mortalities. I have been very depressed over it. You may be given more responsibility once your training is finished. I had a job like that once answering phones. There was a desk, a phone and a clock on the wall. The phone would ring every 10-15 minutes. The clock on the wall would tell me a minute passed, but it felt like an hour. It was so boring that I decided to leave. It was a volunteer thing, but I just couldn't stand it!
I totally get that "try to look busy" thing.
I hope things get better for you there. Take care,
Hugs, Jennie

12:53 PM  
Blogger emily pound said...

Hi Jen,

Thanks, it's gotten a little better this week. Today has been absolutely mad, I have actually been busy around the clock. Call me crazy, but I prefer this. Makes the time go MUCH faster. And I have had a multitude of jobs like the one you described ... yech.

Sorry about your fish. :-(

Take care

1:15 PM  

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