Saturday, April 22, 2006

Hallelujah and Amen, My Brothers and Sisters

What a frickin' day. There was good, and there was bad. First, the good: I got a job. Part-time, but a job. I actually have to find out first if it will jeopardize my unemployment benefits, because if it does, I might have to turn it down. Isn't that ironic? Unemployment Insurance wants to get you out working, but if you work, you lose your benefits. Anyway, I'm pretty sure I can still get them if I'm working part-time, they'll just be less. I got an unexpected call last night at around 6:00 from a guy I'd sent my resume to about a month ago. He runs this small educational/tutoring business for kids in Kindergarten-Grade 8. He needs someone to copy edit his materials, and maybe even do some writing as well. (Woo-hoo!) He was a really nice, soft-spoken guy, and when I went to see him today, he just basically explained to me what he needed and asked if my hours were flexible, when I was available, etc. He told me to give him a call tomorrow and we'd arrange when I'll be starting. Probably on Monday, 3 days a week. Hey, I'll take it. As long as I don't lose the rest of those benefits, I need to pay my damn bills.

Now, the bad: As I left the interview, and was stopped on the on-ramp to the highway, I could see an accident had taken place two or three cars ahead of me. A couple of people were standing on the road arguing and not looking too pleased. (It was rainy and slick all day today.) Then, just as I was taking this in, I felt a whomp! another jolt! and ... some cab driver had rammed into me from behind. My first accident ... yay. I got out of my car and he got out looking dazed and upset and we agreed to pull over to the side and exchange our information. In the meantime, I'm freaking out, thinking, what the hell do I need to do here? I called my ex's house looking for him and got his brother instead, and started telling him what happened and asking if I needed to call the cops, if I should leave, etc. He didn't seem to be quite sure and started asking me about the interview instead. Then I called my mother's friend and told him and he seemed to think that if I got the guy's info I could just leave. The cab driver was very apologetic, said it was all his fault, not mine, etc. etc.

Anyway ... it was quite a day. Combine all this with the fact that I had a low-grade headache all day long, my neck was sore, and I just felt generally kind of crappy physically ... it was a weird day.

So I'll let you know how this job goes.


Blogger SJ said...

Excellent news about the job, well done! But watch yourself on that accident - don't want things manifesting late :(

1:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God, This sounds alot like my day!!!

1:11 PM  
Blogger emily pound said...

Jennie: Thanks! That was so weird, both those things happening on the same day! I was like ... okay, I KNEW this was too good to be true. :-) I went and reported the accident today. Just finding the right place to report it to was a debacle in itself. Hopefully I can work something out with this cab driver so he can just pay for the damage and we don't have to go through our insurance companies.

Ian: Thanks! I was afraid I'd wake up with terrible whiplash this morning but so far so good. What a crazy day I had yesterday!

Starbender: Start the Twilight Zone music! :-) Thanks for stopping by.

2:03 PM  
Blogger dreaminglily said...

Well, crash sucks, but job is good! So focus on the good things.

It'll all come together soon.


9:05 PM  

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