Wednesday, April 12, 2006

A Session With Dr. Sprinkle

Awhile ago, I bought a book called "Dr. Sprinkle's Spectacular Sex". Dr. Sprinkle is Dr. Annie Sprinkle. More specifically, Annie Sprinkle used to be a very famous porn star. She is a very intelligent, multi-talented woman, having branched out into photography, acting, then earning her Ph.D. in sexology when she got fed up with the porn industry.

Anyway, her book is fabulous. It has all sorts of interesting exercises in it to get you thinking about what you like, what you'd like to try, etc. And since I have absolutely no clue what to write about, I thought I'd borrow from her book and do one of the exercises. You are more than welcome to try it as well.

This exercise is called What's Your Current Truth? Instructions: Answer the following questions quickly. Don't think much about the answers; just write down the first thing that comes to mind. Go from the gut and your subconscious mind. Most important, be absolutely honest with yourself.

Ready? (The words in bold are the prompts ... you finish the sentences.)

Okay ...

Sex is extremely important to me. I want to find someone who it's extremely important to as well.

When I was younger I thought that sex was unthinkable. I remember reading Once is Not Enough by Jacqueline Susann when I was a kid, the scene where the girl loses her virginity and bleeds on the sheets and I remember feeling sheer horror and thinking to myself, I will never ever do that. Right.

I used to feel sexy when this guy Dave used to come and pick me up in his van. Dave was older than me, he spotted me one day walking by and asked if I wanted a ride. From then on we used to go to parking lots in his van and make out like crazy in the back. I must have spent the whole summer with my bra up around my neck.

At school I learned that sex was a competition. Whoever lost her virginity first was the winner. I lost.

My parents taught me that sex was awful and evil and dirty. Especially my mother. She would always grimace at me when I brought the subject up, which definitely wasn't often. I always felt like a slut sneaking home after midnight.

My religion taught me that sex was impossible unless you were married. Even to contemplate it was a sin. Guess who's roasting now?

The thing I used to be best at sexually was french kissing and oral sex. Oh yeah.

The thing I'm best at sexually these days is (see above).

I used to love sex when I was horny. Unfortunately, it didn't happen too often when I was horny.

I used to dislike sex when my husband made me put on lingerie. I hated that.

Today Mom and Dad basically think sex is a hallucination.

Today my spiritual/moral beliefs dictate that sex is shared only with someone I truly share an emotional connection with, someone I truly love. No more thrill sex or opportunity sex only. I'd rather be celibate (well ....)

These days society thinks sex is a commodity. The sexier you are, the richer you are. Sex is bought and sold every minute of every day. It's meaningless.

Today I love sex if I sit and daydream about it. Unfortunately, that's all I do about it.

I feel most sexy when I have just had a bath and I'm all soft and smooth and smell yummy. I'd love to share myself with someone then.

I'd have a better sex life today if I loosened up a bit ... was not so afraid to make the first move.

These days I like sex best when ... whenever. I wish.

These days I dislike sex when it's shown as belonging only to the airbrushed and beautiful. Those of us who are imperfect like it too, you know.

I'd love to learn more about how to meet guys. :-) Good guys.

I could stand to learn more about being confident about myself, confident about showing off my beauty. I'm only 50/50 on it, and that's not enough.

What I'd love to do more of is hold hands and neck. Mmmm.

What I'd love to do but don't have the courage to is go up to some guy I see who I think is really cute and say, "You know, I think you're really cute. Would you like to get some coffee with me?"

In the future I expect that my sex life will improve. It certainly can't get any worse. :-)

Eventually I would like to marry my soulmate and sexmate and live orgasmically ever after.


That was enlightening.


Blogger SJ said...

My answer to all of these is "sorry, what's sex again...?" :)

1:34 PM  
Blogger emily pound said...

:-) sad but true ... (for me too)

1:48 PM  

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