Tuesday, April 04, 2006

My Mind! Totally Nude! Totally Uncensored!!!

I'm still fascinated with my "What the Bleep" book. Here's one of many intriguing bits of information.

Did you know that "the amount of information that comes pouring in [to our brains] from the five senses is staggering -- somewhere on the order of 400 billion bits per second. ... we don't consciously receive and process anything near that amount -- researchers say that only about two thousand get through to our consciousness. So, as the brain gets to work ... as Dr. Andrew Newberg puts it, "it has to get rid of a lot of extra data." (from the book).

In other words, as you're sitting in front of your computer reading this, you're excluding a lot of information that is in your brain so you can concentrate on these words. The feel of the chair you're sitting in, maybe the noises around you, any odours or stuff like that.

What I find really amazing is how fast our brains are. We jump from thought to thought so quickly, not even realizing it. But all these thoughts are coming from places in our brains for some reason. Tracing them back, I guess, is kind of like trying to interpret a dream.

So, for five minutes, I will blog my thoughts without censoring them so you and I can both see how amazingly weird and intricate our brains are. Here we go. I'll think my thoughts, type them out, and keep my eye on the clock:

Man this is weird. What if I think something really stupid? Or sexy? I can't be letting all these people know my private thoughts. I must be nuts. Speaking of which, Emily's cartoon is driving me crazy. Come to think of it, all of her cartoons are driving me crazy. Except for the Powerpuff Girls. I love them. I wish I was Blossom. I'd kick some major ass. I know whose I'd go for first. Big time. Bend over, bitch! Oh well. Forgive and forget, right? Fuck that. Forgiveness is for losers. What would Jesus say? Turn the other cheek. I'm sorry, can't do that. I'm not Christ. Fuck. This is way too intimate. I never expected to start talking about Jesus. Easter is coming up. The Ten Commandments will be on. Love that Yul Brynner. And Ann Baxter is so vampy and witchy as Nefertiri. Love that film. They parted the Red Sea by using Jello. Talk about low budget, eh? But it worked. Who can ever forget that scene? One of my personal favourites is when Vincent Price has that beefy Joshua tied up and starts whipping him and going, "Prepare to die, stonecutter!" He was so evil and so great in that role. And Charlton Heston in another one of his mammoth roles. Hmm, the Ten Commandments is taking up a lot of space here. But movies have been a pretty big part of my life. My first date with my husband was to see a movie. Beverly Hills Cop II, to be exact. That should have been my omen. You know what I'm saying? Shitty movie ... and Eddie Murphy gets pretty old after awhile. Even though me and Emily were watching the Haunted Mansion the other night and I was laughing my ass off. Fuck, those goddam people haven't called me yet. I cannot understand how I cannot get this job. I have every goddam qualification they want and then some and they still haven't fucking called me. I was expecting a call the same day, you know? All I know is, if I don't get a job pretty fucking soon I'm in big fucking trouble. I might have to start selling nude photos of myself on the internet. Just kidding. Kind of. I can't imagine ... imagine my mother if she ever found out I did something like that? She'd totally fucking disown me. But it still might be worth it, just to see the look on her face. her mouth wouldn't close for a week. Not that it ever does. Now, now, don't be nasty. Hey, I try not to be, but people keep fucking with me. You know how hard it is to stay positive sometimes?

Okay, I think that was five minutes. I guess I didn't digress as much as I thought I would. But it's amazing how fast they travel and kind of jump instantaneously from one subject to the next. And that was five minutes. Can you imagine how many thoughts you have in five hours? Or a day?

Hope you liked my little experiment.


Blogger dreaminglily said...

Actually... you made me want to do that now lol I think I might. I don't know. I'll think about it lol


1:50 PM  
Blogger emily pound said...

Hi Lily,

Try it. It was fun ... :-)

2:06 PM  
Blogger dreaminglily said...


Okay. There it is. I did five minutes in my head lol Don't expect it to be pretty. I battled myself over publishing it.


2:32 PM  
Blogger emily pound said...

thanks lily. :-)

I read your post, and left a comment for you.

kudos to you. it's very brave to do this kind of writing.

5:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi. I tried the experiment. It was fun. It was so mind-boggling. lol

11:43 AM  
Blogger emily pound said...

Hi, Abigail. Cool, eh? It is mind-boggling. I told someone else I thought it would be pretty therapeutic too, to do it on a daily basis (privately, though) :-)

Thanks for dropping by!

1:02 PM  

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