Monday, March 20, 2006

Room, Meals, Blowjobs, All Inclusive

Hi folks. I've been preoccupied with my job search and my daughter being on March break. But I'm back! :-)

Being unemployed has given me the opportunity to park my ass in front of the box a lot more often, which is definitely not a bonus, considering the total crap that's on daytime t.v. I admit I used to get a kick out of Jerry Springer, but you've seen one you-cheated-on-me-with-a-cross-dresser-and-now-I'm-going-to-kick-your-ass melee, you've seen them all. I was, however, watching a show recently that made me ponder writing a post about it, so here it is.

There was this show about sex vacations. Apparently Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic are real hot spots for sex vacations, have been since the '50s or '60s or something. News to me, but then again, sex is not my first consideration when thinking about a vacation. Anyway, apparently men have been going to these countries for decades in order to partake of the wide assortment of sexual experiences available to them. Due to the poverty in these countries, there is no shortage of young women who willingly volunteer their bodies and favours to entertain "rich" American and European men seeking an erotic vacation.

There are whole resorts that cater to men seeking no-questions-asked, no-holds-barred sex with the woman of their choice. And there are lots to choose from. Russian and Ukrainian women, having heard of the myriad opportunities available to them at these places, travel there and become part of the staff. They lounge around the pools in their bikinis, go on day trips with the men to, for example, slide on ropes through the rainforest (as if they were not paid pussies but actual travelling companions), and service them in the evening when the day is done. A lot of the women fall in love with the men, who may stay at these resorts for a week or so. They fall under the spell of having a "relationship" with the man until it's time for him to pack his bag and leave. Then there are the inevitable tears and heartache and probably promises from the men that they will come back for them or send for them. These women see this kind of job as a great opportunity to bag themselves a rich American man who will take them home to mom and dad and sis and bro and make proper wives out of them.

I had to wonder, watching this show, who was more deluded, the men or the women? You'd figure that the type of man who would jump at the chance for a vacation like this would probably not be the most attractive man on the planet, the kind of guy who would have to pay for sex because he couldn't get any otherwise. But I was surprised to see that the majority of the men were not bad-looking or too nerdy (there were a couple of those, of course). They were just the type, I guess, who just wanted to get their rocks off without having to feel obligated. Yet they ended up "bonding" with the woman of their choice anyway and having an illusion of a relationship with them. Maybe this was the way they assuaged their guilt or justified the fact that they were simply paying to get laid for a week, I don't know. It was quite bizarre.

The women, of course, were pathetic. How could any woman in this day and age actually believe that the way to a man's joint chequing account was through his underwear? I don't care how underprivileged, uneducated, or ignorant you are. Any woman should know, by instinct if nothing else, that that "strategy" is the kiss of death as far as long-term romance is concerned.


Blogger emily pound said...

Beautiful, isn't it? :-)

5:25 AM  
Blogger hugehugefan said...

Gee, with the title of this post I was all ready to line up for my share. Ah well.. so goes life. I've never understood why people get sucked into sex for money situations, but then again, isn't that what marriage is all about to a significant extent?

I don't believe that any of the "guys" going to these sex for money places are such great catches, but can understand why a third world woman would sacrifice anything for even a marginal chance to enter the golden gates into the US(sorry, I know you live in Canada... it just doesn't have the same cachet internationally among the real poor and desperate).

Of course the whole thing is totally sleazy and disgusting, though not surprisingly, prostitution and its fellow travelers are available domestically as well. Even legally in Nevada. So, my take on this.. its as old as man, why they call prostitution the oldest profession, and will always be with us. So either involve yourself or not and let it be if it doesn't hurt someone.


5:14 PM  
Blogger emily pound said...

Hi Huge,

The only kind of "catches" these guys are, is "catch" as in ... "he threw me an STD and I caught it!"

What was really funny (and pathetic) about this show also was that when they interviewed the owner of these brothels, they kept saying they were in no way a brothel, they were a respectable, legitimate, legal business catering to their guests' needs. Uh huh. What a bunch of sleazoids.

6:47 AM  

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