Monday, February 27, 2006

Repeat After Me: Anger is Healthy

You've got to have something to entertain you when you're driving to work, especially if it takes you about 45 minutes to get there. There is a radio station I listen to every workday because I like the music the play. Unfortunately, this means that I'm subjected to the morning show hosts, a trio of guys, the type who definitely swatted each other on the ass with wet towels in high school gym class.

Awhile ago, I did a post about one of their recent contests, to find the ugliest whatever. (A guy with green toenails won.) Their latest contest is for the best ass. The winner gets $10,000.

Now, I have a pretty liberal sense of humour. I'm definitely not a prude. I've listened to Howard Stern and, although he is a sexist, misogynistic pig, occasionally have found him to be funny. (His radio show was aired on Q107 for a short while and I tuned in once in awhile.) But he's the type whose personality is so abrasive I don't even consider him an actual person, and it's easy to just tune him out.

The guys whose morning show I'm talking about (102.1 The Edge, the Dean Blundell show) are more offensive because they occasionally show glimpses of humanity. But, for the most part, two of them, and one in particular, are some of the most sickening examples of brain-dead testosterone I have ever heard. They're always talking about how "hot" this chick is, what a drop-dead body she has, and of course, one of the idiots has said he prefers thin women. One of the things that pissed me off the most was that when they announced this new contest, they made a point of saying it was open to people of all shapes and sizes. One morning I listened as they snickered about a girl who had come in. "Was that the hugest ass you've ever seen?" the head moron chortled. "I didn't want to hurt her feelings so I told her she had a wicked belt," the other one said. I felt so sorry for this girl, who must've thought she had a pretty nice ass to go in and get her picture taken and enter the competition. Then, on the other hand, I thought, how could she have been so stupid to subject herself to that? If she listens to the program, she ought to know how one-dimensional these guys are in their approach to women. Or maybe she was doing it to prove a point? I dunno. Then some brain-dead stripper comes in and they're drooling all over her, going, "Oh man, I wouldn't leave the house if I lived with an ass like that."

Imagine how this makes me feel, a larger woman behind the wheel. I have often wished they would materialize on the road in front of me so I could run them over. Unfortunately, these guys are the norm, I have found. In order for a woman to be worthy of admiration, she must be a certain size, dimension, shape, whatever. Thank God I have a tape deck in my car so that when I really can't stand their bullshit I just hit the play button and mutter obscenities under my breath until my anger subsides.

I have no doubt that if I walked into the studio to get a picture of my ass taken, it would inspire hours of delightful mirth for these guys. But then again ... maybe I could just drop my pants and fart in their faces. :-)


Blogger emily pound said...

Hi Debra,

Glad you enjoyed it. :-)

My daughter is only six and there is only one girl in her class who is chubby. She is such a sweet little girl, so shy and timid, and I can see she has already been typecast as the "odd one out". I feel so sorry for her and I worry for her. High school was hellish when I was a teenager ... I can imagine all too well what it will be like for her.

11:32 AM  
Blogger emily pound said...

Hi Jennie,

I have gone to the website for this radio station where these guys have their pictures posted and believe me, they are nothing to write home about. The most offensive one I find downright butt-ugly, he doesn't even look like he combs his hair.

Another funny thing is that these guys are constantly talking about homosexuals and making homosexual references/jokes. That is their big preoccupation, along with what chick has the hottest bod. I suspect ... could it be these guys are closet homosexuals trying to look like big macho studs? Methinks it's highly possible.

11:34 AM  
Blogger dreaminglily said...

Nah, wouldn't work, some guys have a fetish for that. By the sounds of it, they're the type that would. lol


7:43 PM  
Blogger dreaminglily said...

Hmm... just went to the site for the station, saw his picture... May I say... UGLY?! What the HELL is he doing saying ANYTHING about how women look? He should crawl back into his hole. Oh and I read his "profile" he sounds like he's fourteen... He did say he likes golf. You said in a comment you think they might be gay. Well, I think you're right. I mean, what straight guy plays with other guys balls? ::evil grin::

May they be squished under the rock they hide under!


7:49 PM  
Blogger emily pound said...

Amen! And put a few boulders on top of the rock! :-)

4:56 AM  

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