Thursday, February 09, 2006

Cancel That S.O.S.

I was thinking ... how could we BBWs ever enjoy the birthright of any woman who is universally considered "attractive"? The only way I could see any of us larger women enjoying the hordes of men pursuing, wooing, and vying for us is if we got them all on a desert island with no hope of escape or rescue.

Imagine it: You are a BBW, the sole woman on a plane full of men. The plane goes down somewhere over a tropical island. Some of the men (BBW haters who will never be converted) are horribly mangled in the crash, but, let's say about 100 men survive. For a few days, we all might be preoccupied with finding food, drinkable water, and erecting shelter, but after that, when those basic needs have been accounted for and everyone realizes there is no hope in hell of leaving that island unless another plane flies over, which isn't likely, thoughts would start to wander. And where do minds wander, most of the time?

Sooner or later those guys would start fighting. They would start competing over who gets you. Or, who knows, there might even be some kind of amicable arrangement (if you're amenable to it), where there's kind of a polygamous thing going on. Live with Husband A for a week or so, Husband B takes his place, and so on.

Oops ... I forgot the likely hazards, also, of the men simply taking control and tying you up in a shack somewhere and raping you, each guy getting his turn, but let's discount realism for the moment. I'm talking about how a BBW could ever get to enjoy the pleasure and ego boost of many men chasing her, vying for her, on a daily basis. The things most thin women take for granted. I guess cannibalism might be a possibility too, if you're really marooned out on some tropical island somewhere. (If cannibalism really creeps you out, like it does me, don't ever read "John Dollar" by Marianne Wiggins. One of the scenes in that book gave me nightmares for days.)

Anyway, I'm just playing around here. Feeling a little impish. I'm sure many BBWs out there would say, "I've never had to worry about not having a boyfriend, I've always had plenty of guys after me", etc. etc. Well, if that's the case, then I have to question just how "B" the first "B" in BBW you really are, because it certainly hasn't been the case with me. About the only way I'd have a bunch of guys wanting me is if they were marooned on a desert island with me.

God, that sounds cynical. But it's true.


Blogger hugehugefan said...

Its taken me a few minutes, but I've finally stopped laughing at the way in which you've worked to create a scenario in which you would be popular.

Duh.. what makes you think you aren't popular now? As surprising as it may be to you, the bigness of a BBW isn't the determining factor on how attractive you are. Rather, the second B, the beauty that you have is the key. And beauty, my dear Emily is something which is skin deep and within you. Having seen your skin(at least on your face) I can say there's nothing short of beauty there. And, having read your blog and the wonderful thoughts and ideas that spill forth from your heart and mind I can see that real beauty resides within as well. So, what's the problem...

Well, in my view you are the problem. In your head you've convinced yourself that guys don't find you attractive because of the way you look, the weight you carry, perhaps the way your hair is done, etc.

In fact, what most guys react to beyond the initial non-verbal, non-conscious level is a woman's perception of herself. If a woman acts likes she knows that she's beautiful, well that's how guys treat her and react to her. Even the most obviously beautiful women who have insecurity and ugliness issues are generally mistreated by guys because they're picking up on the signals that are emanating from the woman. I've been at parties where women who are not attractive by any traditional norms are surrounded by avidly seeking guys, hanging on every word out of their mouths because the woman truly believes in her own beauty and worth. That innate confidence is in many ways the ultimate aphrodisiac and beauty potion.

So stop hiding yourself in an island of men desperate for any female companionship and recognize that you're a prize of great value who will parcel out her affections only to those worthy of your great beauty. Strut it babe, as said so artfully in the movie, show and again movie of The Producers.. .when you've got it... FLAUNT IT!!!

10:29 AM  
Blogger emily pound said...

oh baby. come to that island with me and we'll maroon ourselves for a few months, what do you say? ... :-)

thank you for your sweet, lovely words. I've heard all the "beauty is really from inside" stuff before and I do agree with it, to a certain extent. But I DO feel beautiful and sexy on the inside, most of the time. Sure, there are days when I get down on myself and feel awful, but I know I am not bad-looking and am sensual and sexy. So why am I not being chased? Why am I not being pursued? That's what I wonder about. I'm sure there are some guys out there who would love to be with me. But they're not letting me know.

I remember once, a long time ago, I was in a bar with a friend of mine and we had just met this guy. I found him very attractive and flirted with him outrageously, I wanted him to want me. I was wearing nail polish and makeup, the whole deal, and I remember he was looking at me, assessing me, and then he said, "You shouldn't try to be something you're not." It crushed me, of course, I felt embarrassed and humiliated, and yes, the guy was an absolute jerk, but ... there was some truth in what he said. I have always FELT beautiful and sexy but I have not been treated like a beautiful and sexy woman. It keeps eluding me, and it gets me angry. I figure after all these years I would have met one guy who thought I was the bomb. I really need that.

11:35 AM  
Blogger emily pound said...

Hey Jennie,

Just ONCE, I would like to feel that kind of complication! :-) Just so I would know what it's like, you know? I just have never had the kind of attention I wanted from men.

11:41 AM  
Blogger emily pound said...

Thank you for your sweet comments. All I can do is hope he is out there, and that he finds me, or we find each other. I've been waiting a very long time.

5:16 AM  

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