Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Gimme Gimme

I often think my life would be a lot better with more money. No, not mo' money ... a LOT of money. I often find myself wondering how the other half lives. There are all kinds of shows on t.v. about how celebrities spend their money. The other night, because there was nothing else on, I found myself flipping past "The Fabulous Life of ..." Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony (or is it Antony ... I never even heard of the guy until he married her, but who cares.) Anyway ... in one segment they started going through all the stuff in her medicine cabinet. Her eye cream costs like $700 an ounce or something. She ordered custom made hangers for her dressing room. She has about 80 furs. I mean, truly materialistic, hedonistic, ridiculous things. Yeah. I could get into that.

If money were no object, I would definitely have a few different residences around the world. I would have to have a European abode, because I was born there and I have always loved everything European. I would have to have a residence in a warm or tropical climate ... well, that's a given, isn't it? Fuck L.A. though. You couldn't get me to live there if you paid me. Truly. Well, okay ... how much are we talking about? I would have a few cars, a Corvette being one of them. A Mini. I love those things! :-) I wouldn't need a chauffeur. No need to get that stuffy. I would definitely have "help", though. Fuck if I'd do the dishwashing and cleaning anymore.

Anyway, I know they say money doesn't solve all ills, but you know what? I think that's bullshit. At the very least, it would definitely make life a lot more enjoyable. Okay, so you'd have to hire a team of accountants, install security and hire a few bodyguards ... so what? I'll take those hassles over worrying about how to pay the bills and working for an idiot any day.


Blogger hugehugefan said...

I join your conclusion that given the choice between being poor and rich its easier to be rich. Having unlimited disposable funds does enable many things which are nice and relieves the constant pressure to keep working to meet the bills, assure that there's food on the table and a roof over one's head.

Having said that I've found that having a great deal of money isn't a panacea for all or even many problems. Friends are more difficult to find and retain because there is always a suspicion that your "friends" without similarly large bankrolls are associating with you solely because of your money. This tends to limit your circle of friends to others of a similar degree of richness and can be very stifling. You are less able to just go where you want because of a concern about being taken advantage of or even kidnapped. If you have children and they have no sense of the value of the money this can be even worse than living within relatively limited means.

So, while its certainly better to have enough for your needs, having as much as your heart desires, whenever it desires is not the wonderful boon one would think. And, no, I don't have that much money, but do know some who do.

11:06 AM  
Blogger emily pound said...

I agree that having a whole lot of money brings with it a whole host of problems that most of us never have to deal with, I'd still gladly trade them for the ones I have now. I am so sick of scrimping to pay the bills, of wishing I could breathe, of seeing beautiful things I can only worship from afar. I don't want to be greedy. As a matter of fact, if I had a whole lot of money, I think I would donate a lot of it to a worthy cause ... not that I'm a saint, I'd keep enough to have fun too :-) but ... working for a living can really suck. I just wonder what it's like not to even have to think twice about how much something costs or how I'm going to make it this month.

9:25 AM  

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