Thursday, January 12, 2006

Kiss Me

I think the power of the kiss is woefully underestimated. In the realm of the birds and the bees, there are few things that compare, for me, to a really good make-out session. I actually consider myself something of an expert in the art of french kissing. I can remember when I was a young girl, seeing men and women kiss on t.v. and in the movies, and I would think, hmmmm ... that looks nice. I spent hours speculating on how to do it, if I would be able to do it "right", and how it would feel. I practiced with a pillow to make sure I had all the techniques down. Well, I am happy to tell you that my initiation into the world of kissing went just fine.

In order for a man to truly pass muster with me, he HAS to be a great kisser. No ifs, ands or buts. If he is too impatient and races for the finish line before we've even run a few laps, then that tells me a lot about his potential as a lover. No -- he must be a sensualist, like me. I love to just sit on a couch, or close by at a romantic little table, if we are out somewhere, and appetize and tease each other with little butterfly pecks, the gentle flicking of our tongues together playfully, or out and out wide-open mouthed face-sucking. And to take it out of the stratosphere, by no means should his (or her, for you guys out there) lips be the only part of the equation. Slipping in a few little kisses on his cheek, his ear, his neck ... playing with the hair on his wrist ... that all adds to the deliciousness of it. It's all about finesse. Truly good kissing is really an art. It requires a great deal of skill, intuition, tenderness, passion, coyness, mischief ... the nuances to great kissing are endless. But, in the end, they should leave you both throbbing, aching, and wet. Imagine how great it will be in the bedroom if you're both almost coming before you get there.

An ex-boyfriend of mine was a fantastic kisser. That's one of the reasons I miss him so much. On our first date, we sat across from each other at a little cafe and held hands. He started stroking my arm, he told me my skin was soft and beautiful, his hand started going up a little higher each time until his fingertips snuck past my Chardonnay and ended up playing with my cleavage, then asked if he could come over and sit beside me. Like I was going to say no. And when he got there, we just went for it and kissed soft, fast, slow, hard, soft. When he started pulling the V-neck of my top down further to get a better look at my girls, a waiter came over, grinning, and waved his hands at us, going, "Guys, guys ..." and we both stopped, ashamed. I blushed, I was so embarrassed. But that's a testament to how great a kisser he was, that we almost got kicked out of this place.



Blogger hugehugefan said...

Kissing is indeed very special in many ways. It can be more intimate than intercourse. In fact, there are many prositutes who will perform a wide variety of sexual services but who will not under any circumstances kiss a customer on the lips. They reserve this for their own intimate relationships.

Kissing has additional benefits beyond the obvious physical contact and stimulation. When a couple is engaged in kissing, breathing is usually shifted to the nose, so as not to make the kiss an accessory to the wind tunnel effect of ragged breathing. While this is usually obvious to anyone who thinks about it, again, there is an additional element involved. As one breathes more through one's nose in such close proximity to another person, the aromatic essence of that person is enhanced and sensed in a deeper and more fragrant way then at any other time.

Now, I'm not talking about the smell of onions or garlic or similar food induced smells, but an inherent body generated zephyr.

In my experience women have a different and highly distinctive(though it differs of course from woman to woman) aromatic emission if they are aroused and horny. And no, its not the smell emanating from arousal down below. This important signal to a man that the woman is not only aroused but anxious to advance is highly important intelligence affecting near term planning.

In my experience this horny emission can only be experienced during prolonged and intimate kissing. I wonder if women sense the same or a similar sensation in the men they kiss. Or, perhaps, we men are always horny and thus our aroma always seems to include this component.

12:55 PM  
Blogger dreaminglily said...

lol Oh god been there done that... That the thing I adore about my boyfriend. Just thinking about his kisses gives me goosebumps. He's perfect at balancing it out. Not too much of anything, always changing just a little, always keeping a nice pace whether it's fast or slow. And of course touching lol Makes me mad about him. Plus he's very into PDA lol Which I adore...

You're right about kissing, tells you everything a person will be as a lover. It's a must for me that he can kiss. Nothing is more passionate to me than a good make out.


2:28 PM  
Blogger hugehugefan said...

Kissing is such a mentaly rich activity. In the mind of a motivated and creative person kissing is an extension of the erotic and romantic core of one's sensual and sexual being. Great kissing is like great jazz, dancing with every portion of the lips and tongue and teeth, focusing on different surfaces, with different forms and pressures, attacks and contacts. Sometimes beating a staccato rhythm dancing around the lips, face, ears, throat and other parts of the landscape. Other times sensuously sliding along curves and valleys. ... and then the softest breath of air to ruffle the downy soft hair around the ear, a quiet nibble of a plump earlobe...and the moist tip of the tongue dancing around the inner tracks of the ear...

Its not surprising that your duet in the restaurant attracted such attention.

9:36 PM  
Blogger emily pound said...


thank you for your wonderful comments. once again, your insights have amazed me. I had no idea that there was an actual, discernable scent that we women exude when we are excited, although it definitely makes sense. I suspect that you may be talking about pheromones, which I believe are hormones that both men and women emit when we are sexually excited. Personally, I've never been able to pinpoint, at least consciously, that particular scent from a guy (other than his cologne, which I love, a really nice musky scent) ... of course when you're close like that, you can smell each other and each person has their own particular smell. Isn't it amazing how nature moves us along and gives us those little hints? When it comes down to it, we're not different than the wildcats and other animals in mating season who know when the other is ready and willing ...

I can see you are also a connoisseur of kissing. :-) I think that really nice, deep kissing is kind of a microcosm of actual sex, it's almost like a sex act in itself, and it is so pleasurable. The warmth, the closeness, the softness, the moistness of each other ... the way you use all your senses ... glimpsing little parts of each other .. tasting each other ... smelling each other ... the sexy little sounds of lips coming together and pleasured little moans ... hmmm, I'm getting ... well you know. :-)

5:21 AM  
Blogger emily pound said...

hi lily,

thanks for your great comments! I couldn't agree more, a really good make-out session is indispensable! :-) unfortunately, I haven't had a yummy kissing partner for awhile.

5:24 AM  

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