Wednesday, October 19, 2005

My Top 10 Scariest

It's that time of year again, Halloween, when all those great scary movies start coming on t.v. I love horror films. My daughter does too. I'm sure a lot of parents would be horrified by the fact that although she is only six, she is already well acquainted with Jason Voorhees, Michael Myers, Freddy Krueger, and various other crazed killers. She always hides her eyes at the scariest parts anyway, and asks me to tell her what's happening. I don't think they'll warp her. She's the child of my loins, after all, and a love of gory horror movies and books is just part of her genetics.

I thought I would list my top 10 scary movie scenes. You may or may not agree, or want to chip in with some of your own. Feel free. These are in no particular order, because that would take just too much damn effort.

1. From "Alien", when Tom Skerritt, who plays the captain of the ship, is in one of the air vents trying to trap the creature and kill it. The other crew members are watching his progress on a monitor, and he is seen as a blip on the screen. It's dark and scary in this vent, and all he has to guide him is a flamethrower and the voice of one of his crew members telling him which way to go. All of a sudden, another blip appears on the screen out of nowhere and they start telling him, "Hurry up, get out of there, it's coming right at you!" He tries, but forget it. He turns and all of a sudden the flamethrower shines light on the alien, with mouth wide open and arms open to grab him. Fucken awesome.

2. From the same film (one of my all-time favourites, not only for horror or sci-fi, but just in general) - the John Hurt "chest-burster" scene. I'm sure most of you have seen this, and my description of it could never do it justice. If you haven't seen it, rent it. You will fucking freak.

3. "Psycho" - Unlike the famous shower scene, which is, of course, a classic, my favourite scene from this movie is when Vera Miles, who plays Janet Leigh's sister, is snooping around Mr. Bates' house and sees him coming through the window. She hides near the basement door and then when she hears him go upstairs she goes into the basement where she sees an old woman, with her back towards her, sitting in a chair. This must be the mysterious Mrs. Bates. "Mrs Bates?" she says, and goes towards her, touches her shoulder, swings her around, and it turns out to be the skeletal remains of Mrs. Bates, complete with empty eye sockets. She screams and so did I. Shiver.

4. From "Body Double" by Brian DePalma, a Hitchcock wanna-be. I hate most of his films and think he is a pretentious asshole, but he has made two or three good ones. This is one of them. The scene is when (I forget the name of the actor) is looking out the window of an apartment he is staying in with a high-powered telescope at his sexy neighbour's place and sees a dark, big hulk of a man breaking in and stealing stuff from a safe in the wall. The sexy neighbour comes home and has no idea this guy is in the house. Of course the guy is freaking out now, and watches as she goes upstairs. The intruder is hiding and looks really really mean. (This is a direct imitation of "Rear Window", another Hitchcock movie). He tries to phone her and tell her to get out of there but then the guy grabs her from behind and they start struggling. The guy takes off running to try and help her but her house is too far away. Then you see this big hulk of a guy raise up the power drill he used to break into the safe and threaten her with it. He ends up power drilling her to the floor and blood gushes through the ceiling. Fuck.

5. From "Halloween", another one of my all-time favourite horror movies, when one of the girls, who has just finished fucking her boyfriend, is filing her nails in bed waiting for him to bring her a beer (sorry, hon, he's just been pinned to the wall by a butcher knife), the bedroom door creaks open and she sees a figure standing there with a white bedsheet on and glasses over the face. She thinks it's her boyfriend and laughs a bit, but is clearly uncomfortable. I would be too. Man! It's Michael Myers baby.

6. From a movie called "Don't Look Now", an older film with Donald Sutherland and Julie Christie. They play a couple who has recently lost their daughter to a drowning accident. They are living in Venice while he is working on a project (he's an architect). All these weird things start happening. Julie Christie meets these twin sisters. One of them is blind and psychic and they have a seance and she starts telling her about her daughter. In the meantime there is a serial killer roaming the city. One night Donald Sutherland sees this little figure in a red coat and he thinks it's his daughter. He chases it and corners her in an abandoned building and sees it only from the back. It's whimpering and afraid. He tells it to turn around and all of a sudden, it does, and it's a dwarf with a butcher knife and she gets him right in the neck with a butcher knife and blood spills all over the place. Really fucking creepy and very effective.

7. "The Exorcist" - what an excellent movie. There are so many great scary scenes in this, but I think my favourite is when her mother and the doctors are still trying to figure out what is wrong with her. They are all in her mother's bedroom and Regan is sitting in a chair, being hypnotized. The psychiatrist hypnotizing her says, "Whoever you are who is hearing my voice, you too are now hypnotized. Come forward. Show yourself." Suddenly a picture falls off the mantelpiece, the whole atmosphere and temperature in the room changes, and they all stare flabbergasted as Regan's face starts to change and contort into this demon's face, and she starts growling like an animal. He asks her, "Who are you?" She says nothing but looks up at him ominously and then grabs him by the balls and attacks him. Woowee.

8. "Rosemary's Baby" - another movie with so many great, creepy moments. The ultimate is the climax of the movie, at the very end, when Rosemary has made her way into her scheming neighbours' apartment, where all the Satanists are gathered, and her baby is there in a cradle hung with black draperies. She has a butcher knife with her for insurance, and she convinces them that she is going to see her baby once and for all. She goes over to the cradle, looks in and at first her expression is tender and soft, the face of a mother seeing her baby for the first time, but all of a sudden this look of horror comes across her face and she puts her hand over her mouth as if she is going to scream or be sick. The fact that we never see what the baby actually looks like only makes this more terrifying. We are left to picture it for ourselves.

9. "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" (the '70s version of course, not that fucken crappy piece of shit "remake") - One of the victims is in the bizarre house, taking in all the bones and birdcages and generally weird atmosphere. There's a steel door in the hallway and all of a sudden it just fucken blasts open and one of the killers is there with a butcher's apron on and that really fucked up mask on his face. She screams and runs out the door but he catches her and drags her back inside. Then he hangs her on a meathook. Fuck!

10. "Ringu" - please note this the JAPANESE version, which was remade with Naomi Watts and was okay but nowhere NEAR as good and creepy as the real thing. The scene is where the heroine's ex-husband is in his apartment. All of a sudden the t.v. turns on by itself and we see the black and white shot of the well. Then, the hands appear, and the girl comes climbing out of the well and starts walking toward the screen. He's just staring at it, knowing something really fucked up is going on. Then she gets to the screen and starts spilling out of it, onto the floor, with her long black hair. He gasps and falls back, and she comes and gets him.

There you have it, my personal favourites. Check them out if you haven't seen them. They are WELL worth it.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

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7:07 PM  
Blogger emily pound said...

Cool! Is there a VW Beetle blog?

6:50 AM  
Blogger Lizard Queen said...

I just stumbled across you blog and I have to say - I'm so happy that I'm not the only mother in the world who has younger chilluns watchin' horror flicks!


Oh well, that's all I have to say right now.

11:07 AM  

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