Thursday, October 06, 2005

Tomorrow's the Day

Well, it's sink or swim. Tomorrow is the driving test and I am going nuts. I cannot back into a fucking parking space without maneuvering and re-maneuvering about 10 times. Parallel parking isn't so bad, but I'm either right on, snuggled up perfectly to the curb, or way off, a mile away from it. There's no in-between with me.

A couple of my colleagues took their road tests recently and both of them told me their tests lasted like, 15 or 20 minutes, tops. I pray that this is the case with me. I also pray my tester doesn't ask me to back into a parking space. Anything else I feel relatively confident about, but that -- I just KNOW I'll fuck up terribly, with the pressure and everything. I'm rusty enough at it when I'm in a no-pressure situation.

I am either going to be high as a kite by this time tomorrow or as low as the most heart-rending blues song you've ever heard. But if I do fail, I'll try not to beat myself up too badly about it. Another colleague here told me it took her 3 tries to get her licence. My mother was the same.

Wish me luck, people. You know what the subject of tomorrow's post will be. :-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Terrific blog keep up the good work I will be back

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I would love to see you there if you get time :-)

7:03 AM  

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