Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Countdown to D-Day

Okay. It's almost here. Friday, October 7th, 8:40 a.m. The date and time of my triumph or demise. My road test.

I've been practicing like crazy. I've done my parallel parking, backing into a parking space, the dreaded hill park (still can't get the hang of it, which way do you turn the wheels again?), 3-point turns (a snap!), left-hand turns, right-hand turns, and cutting people off. That, apparently, is my major faux pas, as my husband always hastens to inform me. But it's not malicious, honestly. Just lack of experience. "USE YOUR MIRRORS!" he's always telling me. Especially the one on the driver's side. Check it before you change lanes, don't forget the blind spot, and speed up, not slow down, for Chrissake, before you pass someone. I've pissed off about a dozen people in the last month or so by not doing one or the other of those things. Thankfully I haven't encountered any road rage but lots of honking horns and pissed off looks.

Have mercy on me. The insurance company sure as hell doesn't.

Two of my colleagues did their road tests recently, and both of them passed ON THE FIRST TRY. If I flunk, I am going to be so depressed. I will also feel like such a dork. My main reason for wanting to drive now is because of where I work. It's an hour and a half commute from where I live by train/bus, and it really really sucks. If I flunk my test and have to go back to taking public transit until I pass, I will be completely, sorely, ashamed and abashed.

Anyway, I still have a couple of days to practice. I'm sure I won't sleep much on Thursday night, and I'll be nervous as hell on Friday morning. Afterward, I'll either be completely elated or completely bummed out. I think my chances are pretty good. I'm a fairly good driver. I think I can do this.

I can I can I can.


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