Friday, October 07, 2005

:-) I'm Legal! :-)

Oh my God oh my God I did it I did it I did it ... I passed! Oh man what a relief. And the thing I dreaded the most, backing into a parking space, I ended up having to do, but it turned out great. I executed a perfect backing-into-a-parking space maneuver. Somebody up there must have been with me. :-)

I picked a good driver examination centre. It was in Mississauga, for those of you who don't know, a suburb of Toronto, and it wasn't a very busy area. And it was cool because a bunch of us were all leaving the centre at the same time, and I could tell what I'd have to do by the person in front of me. If they put their left signal on, the instructor in the car with me would tell me, "Turn left," so I had fair warning. But he had me make a right on one street and do a three-point turn, which went well. I actually like doing those, they're easy. Then he asked me to pull over on another street and do a downhill park. I paused for a second, trying to remember which way to turn the wheels, and I'm pretty sure I got it right (to the right). I remembered to put the parking brake on. Then that was pretty much it. He had me drive back to the centre and back in. Wooooohoooooo!!!! :-)

When he first came out, I was a little worried, because he knocked on my window and mumbled something about trying my brake lights and signals and I wasn't sure I understood him and he had this pissed off look on his face. I was like, uh oh, this guy's in a bad mood, he's going to take it out on me. But then when he got in the car, he just told me, "Just follow the rules of the road, watch the speed limit, unless I tell you to make a turn just follow the road. Any questions?" Nope! And we were off!

Oh this is SO SO cool. I'll be driving to work Tuesday morning. No more begging people to give me a ride somewhere! I'm beholden to no one!

Yay!!!! I'm SO happy right now. :-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've got a place just like that golf tees

8:10 AM  

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