Thursday, October 13, 2005

I Wuv My Wittle Bug :-)

As you may have noticed, I have been absent for a few days. That's because my VW and I have been engaged in an extremely passionate, wonderful affair. We are spending our days together in bliss, enjoying being united, travelling together, as one. Oh man. I cannot begin to tell you how great this feels. I never thought I would ever be a driver. And now, all of a sudden, I am. Just the idea that I can simply walk to my car, get in, and drive wherever the hell I want astounds me. I'm not used to that kind of freedom, that kind of independence. I always used to be the passenger. Not anymore.

I've bought my baby a couple of little tokens of admiration. I've hung an air freshener that's really nice, not one of those awful tree-shaped pine-scented thingies, but an air freshener that actually looks good and is decorative. It's shaped like a sun and has a smiley face and it's really neat-looking, a kind of transparent amber colour. Then, the key chain I bought broke off, so I attached the decorative part, a purple flower, to a silver chain I found and hung that off the rearview mirror too. It looks great. I want to buy jewellery for my baby. Damn, I want to buy her a diamond ring.

Today was my third ride in to work. I love driving in the morning. I work way north of Toronto, and most people are going the other way, towards downtown, so there's not that much traffic. Most of the way I just sail along, catching every green light. And of course I have my music on. The stereo in my Bug is awesome. It has Dolby sound and is really choice. I have a whole box of tapes I made back in the 80s and early 90s and I'm getting all these bursts of nostalgia listening to them. It is fabulous.

Oh VW, I love you. I will take such good care of you and enjoy you. In return I know you will keep me safe and get me to my destinations on time. We are such a great couple. And I'm so glad I found you. :-)

I'm in love!


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