Friday, January 06, 2006


I have a cold. I've had worse, but every time I have a cold, I feel something less than human. I hate looking at myself in the mirror. My nose is always bright red from constant wiping, my eyes look like they've just been pried open, and my skin looks all pasty white. Yeah, really attractive.

There is one good thing about having a cold, though. It gives you a really great excuse to just do nothing. Yesterday, when I got home from work, I made myself a quick dinner -- Lipton chicken noodle soup, a Jamaican beef pattie, and a small bowl of egg nog ice cream, a cure if I've ever heard one -- then popped a couple of bright blue Tylenol Nighttime cold capsules and headed right up to bed, at like, 5:35. I didn't think I'd be able to fall asleep right away, but before I knew it, I was gone. I didn't toss and turn all night, like I do with some colds. I pretty much slept right through, don't remember having any dreams at all. I guess it was just what I needed. The term "recuperative sleep" came into my mind when I got up this morning to go to work. That's exactly what I had: recuperative sleep.

My all-time favourite comfort food for a cold is definitely the cliche chicken noodle soup -- not mom's homemade, because I hated my mother's chicken noodle soup -- but the highly processed Lipton or Campbell's variety. Mmm mmm good indeed. I can go through a ton of that stuff when I have a cold. When it's nice and hot, and you have it in a bowl in front of you, the vapour from it just comes right up and steams your nostrils. Then it warms your throat when it goes down, right down to your tummy. And you're ready for another LOOOOONNNNNG nap.

They say that what doesn't kill us makes us stronger. You know when you have a cold and then you finally get over it, that great, alive feeling you have? I guess that's a small example of that.


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