Friday, April 14, 2006

The Mathematics of Love

To be truly objective about love, one has to remove oneself emotionally from the equation. One must be an observer, a scientist, stand back and watch events unfold, then form a conclusion.

Okay, I'm getting carried away here, but it does make sense. In order to really get the answers you seek in your love life -- e.g., why do I keep attracting the same kind of men? why don't I attract the men I want? why do I keep getting involved with assholes? -- you have to be willing to be totally honest with yourself and truly absorb the answers you receive, not deny them because they are too hurtful.

For example:

Cute, horny fat girl + skinny, cute, horny guy + bar setting & (x) number of beers = passionate sexual encounter + cute horny fat girl falling in love - skinny, cute, horny guy running as fast as he can afterward.

What would our hypothesis be here? I would surmise that the cute, horny fat girl is desperately lonely and seeking love any way she can get it, whereas the skinny, cute, horny guy was in the bar setting looking for sex any way he could get it. When they both achieved this objective, for different reasons, each one of them reacted from their deepest desire: the cute, horny, fat girl equates passionate sex with love, whereas the skinny, cute, horny guy equates sex with sex and also associates it with shame and takes off and removes himself from the situation as quickly as possible.

Now, this equation could have worked out far better if:

Cute, horny fat girl + cute, however-looking nice guy + sedate setting, such as sunny cafe, movie theatre, bookstore, or park = kiss goodbye + setting up of future date = very possible satisfying romantic relationship.

If only the cute, horny fat girl could manage to take the time to concoct the right formula. We would have a definite "Eureka!"


Blogger SJ said...

Math sucks. I understand this equation. Some of the numbers might be a little different, but I have been trying to work it out my whole life. I am no closer to finding an answer now. Math sucks :(

1:37 PM  
Blogger emily pound said...

It's nice to see that my equation resonates with a male too, although not nice to detect a certain sadness in your message.
Don't worry. I'm a firm believer in the law of karma that says we all get what we deserve. From the short time I have "known" you, I can say I'm sure you will find the answer. :-)

4:05 PM  
Blogger emily pound said...

Thanks Jennie! :-) Happy Easter to you too!

7:16 AM  
Blogger hugehugefan said...

Dear Emily:

As a fan and admirer of math in all its numerical and algebraic complexity I suspect that your situation is the same as those who do poorly in math in school. You are afraid of the result and thus tell yourself that there will be a bad outcome.

I take a more statistical approach to things. In any relationship there is a 50/50 chance that things will work out. Either they will or they won't. Actually, those are the only two result states and the probabilities of each outcome may not be the same, but the concept is the same.

If you go into a relationship looking for sex, you'll get sex, but no guarantees on anything else. Also, to the extent that you enter a relationship where the other person is only looking for sexual release, it would be pure chance if anything else develops.

So take a chance on a relationship, but look at what each of the participants is looking for. In many cases, the denial of sex in the first instance may be a tool to discover the other party's intentions, since so many people will show their true colors if the other party says no.

Good luck in the dating wars.


7:59 AM  
Blogger emily pound said...

Hi huge,

what can I say except ... thanks for the good luck wishes. I hope it rubs off!!! :-)

and I agreed with eveything you said.

1:16 PM  

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