Tuesday, November 29, 2005

When I'm 64

Hey, guess what? I'm back! I've been thinking about returning for some time but kept saying, "fuck it! Nobody reads my blog or comments anyway, so why the fuck should I expend such an effort?" Then I thought, "Fuck you if you don't read or comment on my blog! I'll write anyway! I LOVE to write!" So here I am.

This morning we had a presentation on our pension plan here at work. I really started thinking about my retirement, what I'll be like when I'm 65 (although if I can help it, I'm gonna fucken retire before then! maybe get myself a rich husband, you know?)

The woman who gave us the presentation was saying things like, "You have to know what kind of an investor you are ... are you the type of person who is going to join the golf club, or travel the world, or just stay close to home and garden when you retire?"

Well, I'd LOVE to travel the world, and I don't particularly want to wait until I retire to do it either! But travelling the world costs a lot of money, and I can't see myself coming into a sudden goldmine. So, chances are, I'm going to be sticking close to home. I won't be gardening though. I might take up painting. Yeah, I can see myself doing that. Working in some sunny studio, painting hunky nudes. :-) Or bowls of fruit. Or bowls of fruit AND hunky nudes. :-) And hoping my daughter will give me some grandkids to smother with affection.

God, thinking of getting old is very depressing, you know that? You're wrinkled, you're sagging, you're slower than you used to be, your sex life is probably pathetic, your biggest thrill is going to the grocery store ... hmmmm, maybe I will travel the world after all. Save those pennies.