Tuesday, September 13, 2005

My Pretty Parts

We larger women spend far too much time hating our bodies. We all wish we looked different. I can't deny wishing that, no matter how much I want to rebel and stomp my boots on the countless THIN THIN THIN images that bombard us every day.

But, despite the fact that when I look in the mirror and regard myself as a whole, and wish it was smaller, I also have to admit that there are parts of my body that I like, and that are undeniably beautiful. For example:

My breasts (I have already referred to my breasts in an earlier post. See On Being Large Breasted). Currently, I'm a size 42DD. Scoop neck and V-neck tops were made for women like me. My cleavage is deep and lush and my husband has often joked that he's lost things in there. Plus, I have a cute little freckle on the inside curve of one breast that is absolutely adorable. And I love to see my husband squeezing my naked breasts together, and his mouth dip down to partake of them. It's very sexy. I think I've gotten as much sexual pleasure out of my breasts as have the men in my life.

My calves. I have very shapely, toned, curved calves, thanks to a lifetime love of walking. They look absolutely fantastic in stockings and high heels, although I hardly ever wear high heels. Fat women and high heels don't mesh too well.

My hair. I have long (about to the middle of my back) gold-blonde highlighted hair. My natural colour is ash blonde. I have always taken great pride in my hair, although God knows I've abused it with hair dryers and styling gunk. But it's still nice, although not as thick and lustrous as when I was a teenager. Awhile ago, a guy told me it looked "so dainty" blowing around in the breeze. I liked that.

My earlobes. Hey, they're cute! Especially since I have another cute little freckle, more like a light brown mole actually, on one of them. I've always wished someone would kiss me right on that spot, but they haven't! Damn.

My face. I don't want to sound arrogant or anything, but I have a pretty face. Even though I wear glasses, and I admit I'm getting vain enough to opt for contact lenses despite a deathly fear of having one of them slip behind my eyeball. You know that old cliche about the fat girl who's always told, "You have such a pretty face"? I'm one of the poor girls who's been inflicted with that quasi-compliment.

My skin. I have extremely soft, smooth, supple skin. All the men I've had as lovers or boyfriends have told me how soft I am, and how good my skin feels. I especially love feeling my skin right after a bath, when I've patted myself dry with a towel and put my favourite lotion (Sugar Cane, mmmmmmmm yummy) on. I love being deliciously fragrant, soft and smooth.

So you see, I don't hate myself as much as I think. Nor do you. I'm sure you can narrow down parts of yourself that are worthy of any Cosmo cover or Playboy centrefold (although it pains me to mention those disgusting, albeit extremely profitable and society-brainwashing, publications).

Just remember ... if you're a larger woman like me, no skinny chick can fill up a V-neck like you can. We'll never need implants or padded bras. Hurray for that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you have a great attitude! I totally believe that everyone is beautiful in their own special way - I am a fellow curvy chick and there are some days that I feel downright sexy! Some days I feel badly because of my recent weight gain, but I try not to let it get to me too much.
If everyone had your attitude and self confidence, I think it would be a lot easier for plus sized people to stand up and say yes, we are beautiful, too!
The more positive posts people read about us, the more people will change their perspective on what the definition of "beautiful" really is!

11:48 AM  
Blogger emily pound said...

thank you, fellow curvy chick! :-) I have my good days and bad days too, but strangely enough, thin women have them too. What really galls me are the women who are like a size 2 who say, "God I'm fat" or "I'm on this new diet ..." They just have no clue what it's like to be one of us.

We ARE beautiful and we deserve to celebrate it and enjoy it. Sometimes it's just so hard to tune out those voices that tell us we're not okay the way we are. We just have to keep believing we are as worthy of happiness as anyone else.

Please come back often!

12:41 PM  

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