Friday, September 02, 2005

The Big Queasy

A lot of people (specifically, Americans) are probably going to be pissed off by what I say here, but I make no apologies. It's regarding the situation in New Orleans. I've been watching what's transpiring on the news, and it truly makes me nauseous. My husband and I were watching the news last night and as I saw the looting, the masses of people huddled together waiting for help that is not arriving, heard about the lack of food and shooting that was aimed at rescue workers, I told him, "That would never happen here." (In Canada.) And it wouldn't. If there were a major disaster here, like a hurricane or a flood or whatever, the first impulse most people would have here would be to survive. Sure, there would probably be some looting or mischief, but nothing on the scale of what is happening in New Orleans. Packs of gangs roaming the streets stealing plasma tvs and whatnot, shooting at people, preventing sick or vulnerable people from being airlifted to safety ... I mean, what the fuck are you going to do with a plasma tv, bro? Where you gonna plug it in? There's no goddam electricity!

And I'd like to know who the hell was in charge of planning for this "relief effort". They knew this hurricane was coming way ahead of time, I'm assuming they had enough people and time to make some kind of contingency plan. But it looks like they were doing nothing but playing with themselves. Where's the food? Where's the buses? Georgie Boy, you've either been too busy jerking off about Iraq or too busy golfing!

Yesterday when I saw on t.v. a crowd of people standing around in raggedy clothing waiting for a bus, I thought I was seeing footage of a village in Ethiopia. I cannot believe that this was allowed to happen.


Blogger emily pound said...

I base my observations on history. what about the l.a. riots? this is not the first time this has happened in the U.S. it appears there are quite a few opportunistic individuals out there who wait for natural disasters to occur so they can start killing and looting. It's like a party for them.

and I challenge you to point out one such occurrence that has happened here in Canada. As far as I know, there hasn't been.

I agree that one should not base one's opinion of the masses on the behaviour of a few individuals ... but the fact is, in the u.s. the masses seem to be the type that are reigning in New Orleans right now. One more reason to cement my belief that it is so much better to live in Canada.

7:44 AM  
Blogger emily pound said...

I realize I may come off as somewhat arrogant, but that's not me. I'm just very opinionated. I'm not "wonderful" ... I'm just me.

6:55 AM  

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