Friday, August 26, 2005

My Second Baby

For the first time in my life, at 40 fucking years old, I can actually say that I am a car owner. A 2000 VW Bug, Black. It's got a power sunroof that I know I will become addicted to playing with. It is a beautiful thing.

This means, once I pass my road test, which is set for early October, that I can officially say goodbye to the TTC. God, will that be the day. I have ridden the bus so much in my life it's not funny. And to some really godforsaken places. (Like where I work right now.) I can remember being stuck at a bus stop for an hour or more in the middle of a snowstorm or in the most freezing weather you can imagine. It's amazing I haven't lost any fingers and toes to frostbite. Just last week we had a torrential downpour here and it took me about 3 hours to get home because all these assholes had tried to drive through the water and stalled, blocking traffic everywhere.

It'll be weird going to work every morning in a car. Like all the other peons I see from the bus window every morning. Now I'll just be another peon in a VW.

But a happy peon. :-)


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