Friday, August 26, 2005


Sometimes I wonder if I'm truly anti-social. It's a girl's last day at work here and they're having a lunch for her in the cafeteria. I have no intention of going. I hate these kinds of get-togethers.

I didn't used to be this way. In fact, I was quite a party-hardy teenager. I did the usual beer chugging, pot smoking, acid dropping thing in my day. I had a good time. Ever since I started working though, I don't want anything to do with anyone. They're so phony. I can't stand these gossipy women who stand around talking about whatever all day. They smile and at first they're so sweet and charming and then you find out they've said something nasty about you and you feel like you've just had a knife heaved into your back. Of course that kind of thing happened in high school too. You thought somebody was your best and dearest friend and then you found out she said something about your hair and she was your worst enemy. Maybe it's just that women are so competitive with each other. They look at each other and size each other up and try to figure out if they're better off than so-and-so.

Anyway, sometimes I feel like I just can't be me. If I were to say what I really thought, people would raise their eyebrows and then start whispering to each other once I walked away. So I have to admit I can be phony too, as most of the time I act in conformity with others so my life is more hassle-free. Kind of.

That's why I decided to start this blog. Actually I was inspired by a great bunch of girls at fatty mcblog. I saw what they were doing and admired it immensely. So what the hell, I thought. I didn't even know this was free. And you could make your own. Cool!

If you're the party hardy type, have a great weekend. Have a beer for me.


Blogger emily pound said...

childish and immature is right. every little thing that goes on in the office is fodder for their gossip. I can't stand it ... I prefer to keep my distance whenever I can.

9:20 AM  

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