Wednesday, August 31, 2005

On Being Large Breasted

It's not always fun having big tits. In fact, a lot of the time it's a pain in the ass. Aside from the ego boost of having men drool over your cleavage, looking great in V-neck tops, and being a great asset in sex, I can't really think of too many advantages. First of all, they're heavy. They put a strain on your back. Finding a bra can be quite a task. And wearing the wrong one can be hell ... the straps dig in to your shoulders, the sides pinch your body, the underwire digs in to your ribs ... ugh. I love getting home at the end of the day, taking off my bra, and lounging around like a feminist. Strangely enough, what I thought would be the biggest asset in having big tits turned out to be a liability. I thought breast-feeding my daughter would be a walk in the park. It was anything but. I went through hell trying to position her correctly. I guess the fact that I was very big at the time, overall, had something to do with it. But in the end, after many tears and much frustration, I had to give up and bottle-feed her instead.

And there is a hell of a lot of discrimination for us large-breasted women. I have encountered social discrimination: I remember one time, I was hanging out with a friend of mine and some friends of hers I had never met before. It was summer, and I was wearing a tube top and jeans. Later on, she told me that one of the guys there had asked her, "Aren't you embarrassed to be seen with her?" (???) Thanks, pal. That was nice. Made me feel terrific. Like, what ... embarrassed to be seen with me because my big tits automatically make it a given I'm a hooker or something? And discrimination on the job ... holy fuck, let me tell you. I have encountered so many jealous, insecure women you would not believe. I temped for many years, and I was dismissed from at least a couple of assignments specifically because my tits looked too luscious in low-cut tops. I was told it was for "not dressing appropriately." But, come on ... I could wear a potato sack and my tits would be obvious! Our intellects are deemed non-existent or unimportant as soon as our cleavage is spotted. My tits have given me chuckles, too, though. Many times I've undressed after going to a movie and popcorn has fallen out of my bra.

So, for all you flat-chested, surfboard-type women out there, don't think we stacked women have it so easy. Have some compassion for your more well-endowed sisters.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very true what you say about large breasts. They are inconvenient. (as for the back pain, this is a real good reason to do some weight training and strengthen your pecs - I can actually use minimal bras because I have strong pectorals).

However women are still paying big bucks for the fake ones. Why? Because a lot of men like a woman with large breasts. And in that case, of course the natural ones beat the fake ones anytime (not withstanding the fake ones only last 10-15 years and have to be replaced with another surgery).

As an athlete, if I had my druthers I'da chosen a size A or double AA. But we don't have a choice.

So the best is to make the best of it... the glass can either be half full or half empty... I think life is more pleasant with feeling the glass is half full!

2:21 AM  
Blogger emily pound said...

Even with all the bitching I've done about my breasts, I love them. I couldn't imagine living without them. They are an intrinsic part of me. I started growing them when I was maybe 10 or 11 ... I started developing very early. And the men in my life have absolutely loved them. So, I'll take the occasional embarrassment or discomfort.

5:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone commenting that a friend should be embarassed to be seen with you in a tube top? You've been fired twice for dressing inappropriately?

From the sound of it, you're anti-social and pissed off at the world as well.

C'mon, admit it--you're white trash, aren't you?

5:14 PM  
Blogger emily pound said...

Hmmmm ... something tells me you're an involuntarily celibate ugly old bag ... yikes. pity the people who have to look at YOU on a daily basis

7:40 AM  

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