Thursday, September 01, 2005

Tough Guys

I was watching a re-run of The Sopranos last night and started wondering, while looking at James Gandolfini, what it is about tough guys that drives us women so crazy. I mean, James Gandolfini is far from repulsive, but he is balding and pot-bellied. Not your typical male-model type specimen. Yet, there is something about him that is extremely attractive. In the show, of course, he plays Tony Soprano, boss of the Soprano family. He has scores of beautiful girlfriends who adore him and get nuts when he breaks up with them. Let's use Tony as the personification of what I'm talking about here.

My first real "relationship" (to be fair, I couldn't wholeheartedly classify it as that, but it'll do for now) was with a tough guy. He was much older than me, swaggered when he walked, and had been in jail. He boasted about his petty crimes and told me his hero was John Dillinger. He was also extremely abusive to me, verbally. He always told me I was too fat and that I shouldn't be like that, but at the same time he couldn't keep his hands off me ... or mine off him. I don't know why, but something about him just made me crazy. There was something so erotic about him. Maybe it was the fact that he was "bad", the kind of guy who could handle a fistfight no problem ... who maybe even courted them ... yet didn't use that physical aggression on me. Maybe something about being able to tame the "savage beast" with my feminine wiles ... having that kind of power over HIM ... is what turned me on so much.

To this day, I'm a sucker for bad guys. I've heard a lot of guys complain that women never give nice guys a chance and always end up going for the assholes. There is a lot of truth to that statement, and I sympathize with all the nice guys out there who are missing out because the women they crave are in love with an asshole. Personally, I think it goes back to caveman days ... when us women had to rely on our cavemen to protect us from sabretooth tigers or whatever the hell else was roaming the landscape out there. Sure, they'd drag us by the hair and throw us on the ground and have their way with us ... but how much do you think we really fought it, when we saw the firelight flickering off those ropy muscles?


Blogger emily pound said...

sounds funny. :-) thanks for visiting my little corner of the world here.

7:01 AM  

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