Thursday, September 08, 2005


1. Going to put something in the garbage and seeing that it's STILL full to the brim, that the last person who used it did not remove the old garbage bag and replace it with a new one, which means you AGAIN have to do it. In fact, you ALWAYS have to do it.

2. Brushing your wet hair after taking a shower and crying out in pain when the brush snags on a particularly knotty tangle.

3. Putting on your favourite jeans after going on an eating binge. They just don't look or feel the same.

4. Getting on a crowded bus, you spot an empty seat way way back in the corner, so you hurry over, only to be beaten to the punch within a millisecond by somebody else.

5. Going to a public swimming pool or beach and discovering that, despite the assurances that about 50% of women in the world are "pudgy", as you are (to be nice), not one of them is in attendance except you. Every other woman has a gorgeous body displayed in a skimpy bikini.

6. Having a wallet so crammed full of change that you can't close it properly, it keeps popping open in your bag and spilling change all over the place.

7. Men who eagerly exchange bodily fluids with you, only to tell you later that they are not "attracted" to you ... but, no, wait a second, they ARE, just not THAT attracted.

8. Men who think they are too "good" for you (if you're a larger woman).

9. Co-workers who see you wearing a new top, or sporting a new piece of jewellery and giving you that big, fake smile and saying, "Oh, is that new? It's so nice!", then slinking away to tell another colleague what a "show-off" you are.

10. Period-stained bedsheets.


Blogger emily pound said...

thanks for the compliment and thanks for visiting. come back often.

11:34 AM  

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