Thursday, June 29, 2006

Happy Canada Day, My Fellow Canadians!

Hey people, have a good one. I'm going up north tomorrow morning and I'm going to kick back and fucking RELAX. I hope. Maybe have a couple beers, a hot dog or two, spray on the SPF 45, don the shades and ... aaaaaaahhhhhhhh. Yeah, that's good.

I'm coming back Sunday night though, as I have an interview Monday morning. I actually have two interviews next week, one on Monday, one on Tuesday. The one on Tuesday is with the only major competitor of my old company that heaved me out the door. Wouldn't that be sweet, sweet revenge. :-) Bwahahahahahahahaha!

No, seriously, who gives a shit. All I want is a stable job. The guy I've been working for has been cutting back my hours and it just doesn't cut it anymore. And I don't want to end up at Wal-Mart, so I hope to fuck I find something soon.

Anyway, be good. And to my American friends, Happy July 4th!


Blogger emily pound said...

Hi Jennie,

Better late than never! :-) I read the Canada Day post on your blog and it sounds like you had a good one. I had a good one too. Caught some really awesome fireworks, even though it was in the middle of a downpour. :-(

Yay Canada!!!!!

1:55 PM  

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