Wednesday, May 31, 2006

You Can't Hurry Love

Having spent quite a bit of time on online "dating" sites for the past year or so, I feel that I am now more than qualified to comment on its credibility as a venue for finding a mate.

All the dating sites, of course, will tell you that they are fabulous ways to meet people, that many of their members have met and fallen in love and yes, even gotten married! They even have them pose for their website with pictures of them taking vows, holding a newborn babe. Very impressive. But I'm beginning to wonder. You know how all the models on the magazine covers are airbrushed and manufactured ... they don't really look that way in real life? Well, I'm beginning to think these so-called success stories are nothing but cardboard cutouts posed to boost the reputation of the dating site and are not real people at all. Either that, or they're definite future guests on the Jerry Springer show.

Before I started going online, I had heard many people say that the only people who go on online dating sites are total and complete losers and degenerates. Guess what? So far, they're right! I don't think I've "met" one "normal" person yet.

The one guy I did meet off a dating site started off really promising. We met, were just as attracted to each other (I thought) as we had been electronically, we were smokin' hot together, and then ... he dumped me, broke my heart. It turned out he was just after the sex, just like all the other online predators I'd heard about. But I tried not to let that get me down. Not everything works out, I reasoned. Surely there is another guy out there I can connect with who will truly fall in love with me, and I with him, and so on.


Since this other guy dumped me, I have come across a parade of losers I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. Every single one of them has been "suspect" in some way ... either they're overtly sexual, or I see them on the website 24 hours a day (okay, I know, what does that say about me? :-) but I just check in for a few seconds, I can see these guys LIVING there!) ... their marital status is "undisclosed", I can go on and on.

Recently, I had a real disappointment, though. Despite all these red flags, disappointments, and sometimes outright hilarity, I managed to get sucked in by a guy just the other week. This guy seemed entirely normal. His picture was fine, he looked like a nice, normal guy, cute enough. He was divorced and had two teenage daughters and made a lot of money as an electrician. But he was very humble, modest, and intelligent. He was also very spiritual and philosophical, and we exchanged some really great emails back and forth, and, I confess ... I was excited. He wrote me that I sounded perfect and even though he was a shy guy, he wanted to jump in with both feet and meet me for coffee. Sounded harmless enough. I got his email late, though, and he had wanted to meet me that evening. I told him I was sorry but didn't have time to arrange a babysitter and could we please do it the next day or on the weekend. I also gave him my phone number so he could call me if he wished.

Never heard from him again. Not by phone, not by email. I couldn't figure out what the fuck had happened. We had exchanged all these warm emails, we had so much in common, it sounded like a real possibility, and ... it just died. I went over it a few times in my head, thinking, Did I offend him somehow? and then I thought, No, how could I, all I said was I couldn't get a babysitter on such short notice, and I left him my phone number so we could arrange another time. It just did not make any sense, and I can only conclude that he was just another nut.

I have to admit, I was pretty angry after awhile. It even crossed my mind that he had done it deliberately, because nothing else made sense. One morning I sent him a short email the basis of which was: Thanks a lot, asshole. I couldn't help myself.

Anyway ... I'm really beginning to think that computers are not the way to meet people. No matter how much we wish we could just program the person we want and have them materialize in front of us, it just doesn't seem to work. Maybe some of you out there have experiences of your own that are better than mine, I don't know (I know Ian does :-) And maybe some of you have similar experiences to mine. I would love to hear from you about them, both good and bad.

I know I won't stop searching, even though it's a constant source of irritation and unrequited hopes for me. I just can't stand the thought of "waiting" for HIM ... THE ONE ... to show up in my life, however he happens to do so. I am very impatient by nature, even though I know what the Supremes said: You can't hurry love.


Blogger SJ said...

Keep in mind though, that I didn't meet Summer through an online dating agency - we got to know eachother through reading & commenting on each other's blogs. Of course it developed into email & telephone, but neither of us started this with the intention of looking for a new partner - it was just blogging. The fact that it did turn into somethng more between us is wonderful though :)

I agree with you about online dating sites, and many of the people who use them. I do belive a large portion of the people are genuine, but I also agree that many use it as a pickup place for sex. What I don't understand is why they use these "match maker" sites to do this, because there are similar sites around specifically for people who do just want sex...

Or so I am told haha.

7:09 AM  
Blogger emily pound said...

Ian: Yeah, I know you two didn't meet through a dating agency, what I meant was that you met online, through blogging. I fantasize sometimes that I will meet my future guy this way, that he will read my blog, fall in love with me through what's written there (because this blog really is me, stripped down to the core), and this really beautiful relationship will develop. Sigh. :-)

10:47 AM  
Blogger emily pound said...

Hi Jen,

I think you are absolutely right in your description of these dating sites. People are expendable, most guys are there for only one thing, and people are very, very picky ... they are looking for some kind of fantasy figure, it seems.

I hope you're right that he's out there!

1:30 PM  
Blogger Andrea said...

I met "THE ONE" online, but not at a "dating site" We are both gamers and had been playing online games together for about 4 years before it developed into what it is today. It has been amazing and I fall more in love with him every day. We "met" each other IRL almost a year ago now and have been living together for almost 6 months. We will eventually marry but neither of us are in any rush, we already know we want to grow old together...we don't need a peice of paper to make it official at this point. I SO hope you find your "ONE" everyone deserves to be delirously happy.

6:11 AM  
Blogger emily pound said...

Hi Andrea,

That is great, congrats to you! I hope I meet THE ONE too ... I think everyone is entitled to have true love in their life.

12:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm just glad i don't have to date. :)
I do have a friend at work who met a guy online thru a dating service. He seems genuinely nice. They have been dating for a while.

8:08 PM  

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