Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Not Much To Say

I haven't had much to say lately, therefore the long lag in between posts. Life is just kind of plodding along, much as it has in the last few months. I keep waiting for something monumental to happen, something I've always been waiting for ... but, so far, still waiting. They say everything has its season. If that's true, then my life is still in winter, with everything deep underground, waiting to sprout.

Actually, that's not entirely true. The one area in my life where I am seeing consistent growth is in my job. My boss has "upped" my job duties to actually planning/plotting a curriculum for grade 7 and 8 kids. At first, I was completely daunted, thinking, No fucking way can I do this. I felt I was way underqualified, did not have the expertise, and he was just being a cheapskate by not hiring some who did have those qualifications. But I've been doing it for a couple of days now, just to give it a try, and it's coming along. I'm beginning to think I can actually do this. I still think he's a cheapskate, though. :-) But a nice one. This guy is the best boss I've ever had. He doesn't bug me, doesn't look over my shoulder, and doesn't make a fuss if he catches me checking email.

Another area where a tiny seed has sprouted is that I found myself a babysitter. She's a 14-year-old girl, a really nice kid, and I had her watch my daughter last week while I went to see a movie. Providing she turns out to be consistent, this may open up yours truly's social life a bit. So that's a good thing. My mother did not approve. Whenever my mother gets pissed off at me, she smoulders silently. That's been going on since she found out I'd acquired this babysitter. She's barely spoken to me. Why should she, after all? I'm living my life, I'm independent, I found a job in time to rescue myself, I haven't had to crawl back home in surrender. So why the fuck should she talk to me?

Don't mind my sarcasm or cynicism. It's a given these days. I used to think of myself as a diehard optimist. Well, that's slowly changing. I'm turning into a true cynic. But I haven't given up all my optimistic naivete yet. Maybe there is still a chance it will survive.

I bought my daughter a few birthday presents that were on her list. Her birthday is on June 21st and she'll be seven. I got her a Mermaidia Barbie and some little Mermaidia babies to go with it. Plus a Barbie DVD. I'll probably end up getting her a toy kitchen she wants and some more videos. Credit card hell, that's where I'm headed.

Anyway, that's all from Nowhere-land, for now. Sorry, make that Jobland and Nowhere-land. That's better. Over and out.


Blogger hugehugefan said...

Dear Emily:

It sounds like your life has turned a corner. I'm so happy for you that things are starting to stabilize and recrystallize in a new and much more pleasant and comfortable way.

I remember how wonderful it can be to all of a sudden get a few hours off just to be you. As my kids used to say at that age your mom "is a poop", and ignore her moods.


7:40 AM  
Blogger emily pound said...

Hey Huge,

So nice to see you, stranger!!! :-) Thanks for your nice comments. My life is stable alright, but I also feel like I'm right in the middle of Oblivion-Land. I know I shouldn't complain ... at least I have a good job and I know how vital that is.

I miss your wonderful blog but I also miss your commenting on my blog. How come you never stop by anymore? Surely you have time to check in with your old buddy Emily from time to time? :-)

I have seen your newest post and will comment ... I need time to formulate a worthy response.

5:23 PM  
Blogger emily pound said...

Thanks, Jennie. :-) By the way, I hope you've been seeing my comments on your posts.

I haven't actually gone "out" yet, as in "out with the girls" (in my case, it would be "girl", as I lost touch with most of my friends except my wild divorced friend), but ... stay tuned. I will let you know what happens. Hopefully something will! :-)

3:24 PM  

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