Friday, May 12, 2006


I'm really starting to question what the hell is going on in my life. I'm wondering if maybe the Big Guy Upstairs is trying to tell me something. Let me fill you in.

They say that bad things come in threes. Okay:

1. My little VW Bug got hit by a cab driver. Luckily, the accident was entirely his fault so insurance paid for the damages. Still, it was a pain in the ass.

2. Last week, I went to pay some bills at the bank and the teller told me that my account had been frozen. Then she asked me if I had recently made a withdrawal of $981.50. I stood there in shock, going "NO"! Apparently, someone had gotten my PIN (not PIN NUMBER, Ian! :-) from an ATM and skimmed this money from my account. Again, luckily, I was reimbursed as the bank is insured for this kind of thing.

3. Here's the most recent mishap. Yesterday, I stopped off at a new grocery store on my way home. Everything seemed fine until I got home and found my cell phone missing. I looked in my purse, I looked in my car, I looked in my apartment ... no cell phone. In the morning, I even dialled my cell phone number in case I had missed it in my search and I might find it by hearing it ring. No go. I also dialled it to see if someone would answer. No one did. I went back to the grocery store to see if they had perhaps found it. Nope. So I checked at work when I got there, and it wasn't there either.

Later in the day, I tried the number again, and this time someone answered. It sounded like a teenage girl, maybe 14 or so. I said, "Who's this?" She goes, "My name is Jennifer. Is this the owner of the phone?" I was like, "Yeah. Where are you?" She told me an area of the city and I said, "Where did you find it?" She told me she had found it at the grocery store I was at the night before. Then she goes, "Where can I bring it to drop it off to you?" I was so fucking relieved. I told her I'd pick it up myself. Then she says, "Call me back in 10 minutes, I'm just about to go in to a doctor's appointment." I said sure and told her, "Thanks for picking up my phone." "You're welcome," she said, sounding like she was smiling. Then I started thinking, when I go pick it up, I'll give her 10 or 20 bucks for her trouble, just to thank her for being honest.

So, 10 or 15 minutes later I try again, and the voicemail came on in about two rings, so I figured she was probably in with the doctor. I tried again, a few minutes later, and this time it rang and rang and rang ... no answer. I kept calling back after the voicemail kicked in, it must have rung about 50 or 60 times. Intermittently, I would call and the voicemail would kick in after two rings this time, so I knew she had turned the phone off. I started to feel a little warning bell go off, thinking, oh fuck, she changed her mind, she's going to keep it and not answer the fucking phone after all. I must have tried calling her for about an hour and a half, and every time it would either ring 15 or 16 times a call or the phone was turned off. I finally gave up and called my cell phone company and told them it had been stolen and to cancel the service. At least the little bitch won't be able to use my phone.

Oh, and this morning when I went in to work, the alarm went fucking crazy. My boss had given me a key to the office just yesterday but neglected to tell me that the alarm would still go off when I got in, and he also neglected to give me the code to turn the alarm off. It must have been quite comical. If I had been a fly on the wall, I probably would have really enjoyed seeing myself run around like a nutcase trying to figure out how to get the fucking alarm to stop screaming. I also couldn't figure out how to turn on the goddam lights, there was no light switch on the walls anywhere that I could see. I finally located the light switches in a box on the wall, but it took me awhile. I called my boss on his cell phone and thankfully he answered and gave me the code and told me the alarm company would probably be calling, which they did. The girl there told me the police had been dispatched. :-) Are you getting the idea now? Am I jinxed or something? Why is it everything I touch or whatever happens to me these days seems to be one big fuckup?

Actually, that's not entirely true. It's actually funny, because each one of these mini-disasters ended up being resolved in a way that didn't put me out too much. First of all, the damages to my car were paid for. I got my money back from the bank. And as far as the cell phone goes, I got it through a friend at my old workplace. Her husband works for the cell phone company. I told her what had happened and she told me he would get me another one to replace the one that was ripped off.

Still, all this shit makes me wonder ... is God trying to tell me something? Or just having a really good laugh at my expense?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have so had weeks like that. It makes you wonder if an all powerful being really is watching and occassionally decides to play with your mind because he has nothing to do for entertainment.

5:01 AM  
Blogger SJ said...

How could someone get your PIN? Were they waqtching you tap it in or something?

You haven't had much luck, you're right. But hope that there'll be an equal amount of good coming to balance the bad :)

3:26 PM  
Blogger Ariel said...

They say these things go in threes, but I'm more inclined to say 7's and 8's...
Hope things get better for you.

4:05 PM  

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